They had forgotten how long they'd been running for, but it felt like forever. Down tunnel after tunnel, jumping hurdle after hurdle, the couple was tired. Going in, they knew it might be a long, arduous, journey but they had also decided that the effort would be worth it. So, hand in hand, they continued to run, helping and supporting each other, and hoping for the best.

Finally, though, they glimpsed a small pinprick of light unlike the others. This one seemed to be on the horizon and was pulsating. Was this the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel?
Yes, it was.
The couple looked at each other, exchanged a smile and kiss, and sprinted closer to the light that grew larger with each step.
(Thanks to Lisa Buie-Collard for her flash fiction suggestion on Monday!)
So, yes, it's all official-like now...we're about to become homeowners. The loan was approved (as we knew it would be, going through the VA) and we have a closing date. This Monday, the 20th. All the "T"s are being crossed and all the "I"s are being dotted. Truth to tell, I don't remember this process being quite this complicated. I had bought a home a few years ago and remember a very smooth experience. My best guess is that since the loan is going through the VA, there's more hoops to jump through.
Anyway, we're closing on Monday, getting the keys, and then......celebrating.
Our movers aren't coming until Wednesday, so we'll have Tuesday to get some things (cable and the all important Interwebz!) set up and figure out what we'll need to buy first. The looks of the gutters tells me a ladder is going to be first on the list....right after a washer.
In our quest for a dining room chandelier, I saw this one and immediately thought it was something that needed to be hanging in the Batcave. Or, at least, my office/man-cave. What do you think?
I hope you all have a relaxing, fun filled, weekend.
As for me....I'll be packing :)
(Oh, almost forgot, I'm still taking suggestions for next Friday's flash fiction so, if you have any ideas, let me know via comments. Thanks!)