And here I was.....all set to start my new blogging schedule. What? You didn't know about my new blogging schedule? Oh, well that's probably because I didn't mention it. I really didn't want to make a big hoopla about it because I want to make sure it sticks first. I have to give credit to the A to Z Writing Challenge for a great blog post that gave me a nice framework to start with.I'm going to try tailor it into something that's going to really work for me.
As with anything else, we'll see how it goes.
Anyway, my new "schedule" has me posting only on Monday and Fridays, with the rest of the week dedicated to prep, commenting, and replies. Easy enough, right?

While I'm ashamed to admit it, I had totally forgotten about IWSG. (Whatever you do, don't tell Alex!!!)
At first, I figured I'd just skip it, but then got to thinking. It's only one day a month and wouldn't really throw my "schedule" (do you like how I keep putting quotes around the word? Again, gotta make it stick!), why not?
I think it's important that writers have an avenue to express concerns as well as encourage others in their journey and the IWSG is an amazing outlet to do both.
This is why I IWSG in the first place and will continue to do so as long as I can.
Yes, I realize this wasn't a very IWSG'y post, but it's sort of relevant.....right?
It's relevant!
Too late, I already know you almost forgot. But you didn't. So no worries.
My schedule is Mondays only for the summer except for IWSG day. Be really bad if I missed it, wouldn't it?
Alex, if you missed it, I'd start praying. Either the world was coming to a screeching halt or you were comatose.
My plan was Tuesdays and Fridays. Tuesdays for me, Fridays for shout outs. But I will happily break the schedule to help good buddies. And for the IWSG.
It's totally an IWSG post - we all struggle with the "schedule" idea and how to keep ourselves moving forward with blogging, writing, life, and "everything."
You rock, Mark!
You're way ahead of me as I can't even decide on the day or days to schedule. I keep trying to get organized with blogging but it's just not happening. I guess I will stick with the flying by the seat of my pants plan.
My schedule is usually whatever I can scrape together the day before. I do know what I'm posting about next week though.
I get you on the forgetting boat but, then, you know that already.
I forget about IWSG almost every month. My post always ends up going live quite late because of that.
@Alex: Drat, I always give away too much :P With all the commenting and replying you do, I don't think anyone would fault you if you did miss one :)
@Elizabeth: Yes, same here about Alex :) Sounds like you have a good plan.
@Tyrean: Great point and thank're pretty rockin' yourself :)
@Julie: From what I'm seeing on your blog, I'm nowhere near being ahead of you. Speaking and're doing great. Nothing wrong with pantsing, either!
@Diane: I was like that, but procrastinate way too much. I need a hard schedule to stick to. We'll see if I can do it.
@Andrew: Heh, that's true. One of the hazards of the busy life, I suppose.
@Laura: Trust me, I know that feeling all too well.
I was gonna skip mine because I blogged already this week, and try to do only once a week, but who can resist??
You have a good point. I think it is good for writers to be able to talk about their insecurities. One reason I have been considering joining in.
I like Monday and Friday as blog days. I seem to be able to remember the beginning and the end of the week when I forget everything else.
Here's to being on my schedule. Hope it works for you.
It is relevant! Blogging and keeping to a schedule is stressful. I have my Homer moments too.
I've cut back on blogging too, it just gets to the point where it's so overwhelming. And I've almost forgotten IWSG day too, I think a lot of us have. Once during vacation I was up until the wee hours just to get my post in on time, and of course that was the time I had major blank-pageitis. :)
My blogging has fallen apart lately, and I'm trying desperately to get back to it. I've gone from Mondays & Thursdays to "every other Monday and hopefully every Thursday." And I've been terrible about getting to read everyone else's blogs. I miss them! This weekend is my chance to catch up and get back on track. "Schedule" should ALWAYS be in quotes, since it's such a loose concept in my world.
@Tammy: A little IWSG'ing is good for the soul :)
@Jack: Totally agree and I think you should join in on the fun. I find it very helpful.
@Lee: Thanks and I agree. It gives me time to figure out what I'm going to do and spend some times, even if it's just a little bit, getting that done.
@Christine: Heh, don't we all?
@Elise: Totally understand that. I guess the trick, for me, is to spread the work out so it's not SO overwhelming. Haha, yes, that's the time Blank Pageitis always strikes! Too bad there's not a pill for that...though there's always coffee.
@Lynda: I hope you get back in the swing of things and don't worry, you're NOT alone! :)
I could have written my IWSG on balancing my insecurity over my time. Writing vs. blogging. It has been a big challenge for me since I decided to put my best work time into writing and do my blogging catch as catch can. As Susan Flett-Swiderski said to me, "Are you writer who blogs or a blogger who writes?"
But, being more absent from this blogging community makes me insecure. Will people stop reading my blog bits if I am not as present as I was before????
Those schedules help keeping a blog active but we all need to make exceptions. IWSG is a great reason to make a one day difference.
@Robin: For sure. I've asked that question many times and I like answering "A writer who blogs" better than the other choice. Not that there's anything wrong with that, either. I think people will always come back when you have something to say, no matter how much time has passed. At least I know I would :)
@Susan: Totally agree and it is a great reason for an exception.
I tried a schedule but was getting stressed when I didn't manage a post or couldn't think what to write! So I still have a rough plan, but because it's not 'out there' for everyone to know - no-one knows when I've failed!
Oh and the IWSG? I literally prepare the draft post - just the header and scheduled date - on the day of the previous IWSG, that way I don't forget :)
Suzanne @ Suzannes-Tribe
I like your idea of a schedule. I might have to incorporate it into my blogging life. I really need some type of organization. Somehow, I always find a way to pull it together for the IWSG, and put up a post, no matter how jacked up my life gets, LOL.
Good luck sticking to your schedule, and thanks for inspiring me to make one for myself!!
I think this post is right on target for the IWSG! We all need encouragement and good news from time to time, not to mention fun stuff to read and comment on. Good luck on your schedule! I know you'll do a great job...
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