Wednesday, October 1, 2014

IWSG: October, 2014

Man, do these first Wednesdays of the month creep up fast. And speaking of ninjas, I have to give a shout out to the Ninja Captain, himself, Alex J. Cavanaugh. The father of the Insecure Writer's Support Group. Thanks again, Alex, for coming up with such a great venue for writers to share their writing dilemmas as well as support their fellow word spinners.

This month, Captain Cavanaugh's sidekicks...some might call them co-hosts...are, the kinetic Kristin Smith, the enigmatic Elsie, the spectacular Suzanne Furness, and the fantastic Fundy Blue! Drop by their respective corners of the blogosphere and show them some love, if you're so inclined.

Oh, and I almost forgot....happy One Year Anniversary to the IWSG site and Facebook group. You'd be hard pressed to find more hard working and helpful writers anywhere on the 'Net. Thank you all for your efforts and support.

Slow month as far as insecurities are going, I'm happy to say. Not only am I getting words out there on a couple of old projects, I'm still gearing up and prepping for NaNoWriMo, as well. It's only a month away and I have a lot to do. I think this is going to be the most prep I've ever put into a NaNo, so I had better be crossing the finish line. If not, though, it'll make for a heck of IWSG post in December....haha.

Anyway, not much going on here so I'll be dropping by and seeing how you're doing with your insecurities....if you have any. If not, I'll just say 'howdy'. :)


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

If you prepare that much, you won't have any chance but to cross that line!

Lisa said...

I'm with Alex on that! I've been playing with posting my word count each day on my blog and/or FB, twitter, etc. Just to do it. I'm pretty much ready to go on NaNoWriMo. Just have to fill in my "book info" and I'll be ready!

Suzanne Furness said...

Howdy there, Mark. Glad to hear you are being productive and that the insecurities are being held at bay. Long may it continue :)

Tyrean Martinson said...

Woohoo!!! Those insecurities are frightened of all the planning and prep! Way to go with all of that. I'm sure you'll cross the finish line this year. :)

Robin said...

You keep posting about NaNoWriMo... and it makes me think that I SHOULD participate this year. Hmm.

Christine Rains said...

Sounds like a good time. I tell myself I'm too busy for NaNo this year, but I know I won't be able to resist. :)

Tara Tyler said...

good luck with NANO!

glad things are going well for you =)

Anonymous said...

Your first three lines made me chuckle. I love my nick name. That's it. I'm keeping it. Hats off to you for doing NaNo - I don't think I'd last. Good luck!!


co-host IWSG

S.P. Bowers said...

Oh, man, almost NaNo? Where did the time go? Good luck with it.

LD Masterson said...

Always nice not to have any insecurities demanding attention. How did we get all the way around to a month before NaNo this fast?

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I admire all of you who do NaNoWriMo. It's amazing. Glad things are going well.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Hey, Mark,

Glad all is good in your world! Sounds like you'll make it through NaNo this year.... Keep the positivity going!

Kristin Smith said...

Haha! Love that—kinetic Kristin Smith! Thanks for the mention!

Way to prep for NaNo! I can't believe it's only a month away...where has the time gone? Good luck with all your prep, and thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm now your newest follower. :)


Fundy Blue said...

Hi Mark! Thanks for the "fantastic" shout out in your post! And for visiting my blog yesterday and leading me to your blog. Love your writing voice! I keep reading about "NaNoWriMo." I won't be going for it this year, but it sounds like you are well under way ~ good luck with your writing!

Julie Flanders said...

Always great to read an IWSG post about a lack of insecurities. Can't beat those months. :)

Maurice Mitchell said...

It's great to hear your insecurities are few and far between Mark. It's inspiring actually.

Hart Johnson said...

YAY for the insecurities laying low! Always love that when they are temporarily calm. And good luck with NaNo! I always participate myself. Finishing an editing project in the meantime.

J.L. Campbell said...

Hi, Mark
The time does fly indeed. Have fun when NaNo time comes around and enjoy the blitz!

J.L. Campbell said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Arlee Bird said...

I haven't done NANO for a couple of years. I'm not sure about this year either.

Tossing It Out

Arlee Bird said...

I guess it's already Wednesday where you are so I think it's okay to officially wish you a Happy Blitz Day.

Tossing It Out

Michelle Wallace said...

"gearing up and prepping for NaNoWriMo..." - you sound like you're on a roll.
Happy Blog Blitz Day!
Enjoy the flood of comments that are coming your way!!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your preparation for NaNo. This will be my first and I am, as the saying goes, bricking it!

Happy Blog Blitz Day!

Shah Wharton said...

I might be missing this year NaNo :( But looks like you're going to kick it's big-ol bootie across that finish line. I've never gone in prepared and although I always surpass the word count, what a mess it all is afterwards. Whatever word count to reach, it'll be full of the good stuff.

Elise Fallson said...

The more I think about it, the more I want to do Nano this year. Got a big chunk of my outline done yesterday and i'm feeling pumped!

Happy Blitz day! And I hope I don't put my comment in the wrong comment box this time... :P

Miranda Hardy said...

Glad to read the writing is going well. Good luck with nano this year! Happy Blitz Day!

DL Hammons said...

I'm also glad to hear things are going well for you this month. NaNo is one of the few aspects of writing that I never have warmed up to...not exactly my writing style, but I admire all of the writers who tackle it each year. Good luck!'ve been BLITZED! Enjoy! :)

Kelly Hashway said...

Good luck with NaNo and happy Blitz Day!

Kelly Hashway said...

Good luck with NaNo and happy Blitz Day!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with NaNoWriMo! It's great to hear that you're writing too =D

Happy Blitz Day =)

Anonymous said...

Best of luck with NaNo, and happy blitz day!

Unknown said...

Good luck with NaNo and Happy Blitz Day!

Ink in the Book said...

I'm doing NaNo too! I've been doing every year for about 4 years. Good luck next month:)
Happy Blitz Day!

Rhonda Albom said...

Good luck with NaNo and happy Blitz Day :)

Indywrites said...

All the best for NaNo and good to know you're all geared up.
Happy blitz day.

Unknown said...

Good luck on NaNo this year and Happy Blitz Day!!

Susan Stuckey said...

Best of luck and happy #Blitz Day

Anonymous said...

Good luck with NaNo this year! I'll be doing it myself (well, my alter-ego lilicasplace will be, lol). Happy Blog Blitz Day to you! Eva

Connie Keller said...

Good luck with NaNo! I'm always so impressed with everyone who does it.

Happy Blog Blitz Day!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like we'll be doing NaNo together this year! You've been Blitzed! Happy Blog Blitz Day to you. Enjoy the day. Eva

Jacquie Forrer said...

Hi and happy blitz day!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Awesome how productive you are and that you're already planning for NaNo. Happy Blitz Day!

A. B. Keuser said...

Good Luck with those old projects and new word counts!
Happy Blitz Day!

Sarah Ahiers said...

First off, Happy Blitz Day!

Second, yay for NaNo! I still have to craft my outline, but I think I can crank that out in the next few weeks. Or I hope so, anyway

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

I'm getting ready for NaNo, too - looking forward to it. Good luck to you!

Enjoy the Blog Blitz!

Laura Clipson said...

I wish I was doing NaNo this year, but I just don't have the time. Maybe next year!
Happy Blog Blitz :)

Michelle 4 Laughs said...

I can't believe NaNo is almost here again. I just finished the project from last year's. Good luck to you and may the word count gods be with you.

Happy Blitz Day!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blitz Day!

Corinne O said...

I'm raring to get started with Nano this year. Trying to use October for plotting so I can make it through!

Glad to hear the insecurities are at bay! Happy Blitz day!

Unknown said...

Happy blitz day! Hope the writing continues to go well!

Anonymous said...

Best of luck with your NaNoWriMo goals and Happy Blitz Day!

Nicki Elson said...

Oh, sidekicks is definitely the right choice of word. ;) Glad to hear things are going so well with your prep-work. I bet you'll earn yourself some awesome ninja butt-kicking weapons duruing the NaNo challenge!

Happy Blitz Day!

Heather M. Gardner said...

I tried the November writing challenge once and failed miserably. Apparently I don't like being told how much to write everyday, even from myself! :)


You've been blitzed!

I hope you have a great day and things start going your way very soon.


Crystal Collier said...

Happy blitz day!

I'm in awe of anyone who can hack NaNo. Seriously.

Mark Koopmans said...

Aloha Mark,

Hope all is well! Good luck with the job search - and the writing - *and* that crazy November thing I still can't abbreviate correctly :)

Amy Jarecki said...

Good to hear you're getting in a lot of writing. Happy Blitz Day!

Zan Marie said...

Mark, let this Happy Blitz Day sooth your insecure writing soul! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hi, Mark. Best wishes with NaNoWriMo!


Kate Larkindale said...

I'm impressed that you're already planning for NaNo. I still haven't decided which idea I'm going to go with.... Happy Blitz Day!

Kimber Leigh said...

NaNo is great, but after the first failure a couple years ago, I've been setting goals that are more realistic for me. Works a lot better by the end of the month :)
Happy Blitz Day!

Unknown said...

best of luck with Nano, I think I'll be trying it too this year! Happy blitz! :)

dolorah said...

Ah, NaNo. I said if I ever found myself jobless during this month I'd give it a try; but I think its too early in my unemployment to this year. I don't have an idea for a book. I think I'll just try and finish a few short stories already in the works.

You'll do great at NaNo Mark.

Suzanne Furness said...

Hi Mark, hopping over to wish you a Happy Blog Blitz Day!

Michelle McLean said...

I don't think I've ever finished Nano - at least during November lol I have finished a novel in one month on other occasions, but Nano gets me every time :) Good luck!

Unknown said...

Happy Blitz Day! I'm planning to do Nano too. You'll love it. And even if you don't make the 50 thou (I sometimes don't), no writing effort is ever in vain! Good luck!

Suzanne said...

Hi Mark,happy blitz day! I'm really going to try and get organised for NaNo - I'm so far behind with everything atm that for the first time I completely forgot to post for IWSG :(

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Had to come back and say Happy Blitz Day! And - welcome to my world...

Tyrean Martinson said...

Happy Blitz Day!!! Hope you are having a great day!!!

Jenni said...

Good luck with NaNoWrMo! It's great that you're prepping beforehand. I hope it yields good things!
And happy Blitz day!

Dan Koboldt said...

I'd say being light on insecurities is a good thing, especially before the chaos that is NaNoWriMo. I'm glad to hear you're getting some prep time in ahead of the main event!

F. Stone said...

I've never understood the draw to participate in NaNoWriMo. Anything that pulls me away from writing my novel is viewed as evil, LOL. Everyone in unique, so whatever floats your boat (groan). Blessings.

Christina Mercer said...

Good luck with NaNoWriMo! I'm gonna try it again this year, too :-) AND HAPPY BLITZ!

Anonymous said...

I love the ISWG posts! They are extremely helpful for a fellow ISW. :)

Happy Blitz Day!


Chippy said...

I'm preparing for NaNoWriMo too - probably not to the extent that you are but I do have a vague plan.

Happy Blitz Day!!! :)


Unknown said...

Happy Blitz Day!!

cleemckenzie said...

I say down with insecurity. Up with preparation and that finish line.

Have a great Blitz while your at it.

Greg Pattridge said...

It's always good to share your insecurities to find that many others have the same ones. Happy Blitz Day!

Robin said...

I was here a week ago... but you are being blitzed. How awesome, right????


Mary Hill said...

Hi, happy blitz day. :)

Donna Smith said...

Have a lovely, blitzful day! I'm glad I stopped in. Best wishes for a successful NaNo!

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Happy Blitz, Mark.

Chrys Fey said...

Happy Blitz Day, Mark!!! And good luck with NaNo! :)

Tiana Smith said...

Yay for having a good month :) And good luck with NaNo!

Guilie Castillo said...

Happy Blitz day! So cool you'll be joining NaNo; this'll be my 4th year in a row. (Hello, my name is Guilie and I'm a NaNo addict.) See you there!

Guilie @ Quiet Laughter

Anonymous said...

Happy Blitz Day. I always forget about NaNo. Thanks for the reminder.

Marci said...

Awesome job with having only minimal writer's insecurities! And Happy Blitz Day! :)

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

I'm glad to hear you aren't feeling particularly insecure these day, but are ya feeling a little... woozy? You should, because you, my friend, are getting BLITZED! Enjoy.

M Pax said...

Break a pen during NaNo! And Happy Blitz.

Unknown said...

Happy Blitz Day!!

AJ Lauer said...

I'm totally impressed that you're prepping for NaNo so much! (she says, not yet having decided whether or not to participate...)
Happy Blitz Day!

LuAnn @ BackPorchervations said...

Happy Blitz Day, dude! :O) I got my months mixed up and thought NaNo was /this/ glad it's in November, giving more time to prepare!

PK HREZO said...

I think I may do NaNo this year too ... but off the books. I always fast draft anyway. :)

Kristin Smith said...

Hey Mark! Stopping by again to wish you a Happy Blitz Day!! Hope you enjoy it! :)

Christine Rains said...

Hi Mark! Hope you're having a good week. Happy Blitz Day!

farawayeyes said...

Nice to see such a positive IWSG POST.

I did NaNo two years ago and it was an awesome experience. With all this preparation I'm sure you'll cross that finish line with flying colors.

Enjoy being blitzed!

Leandra Wallace said...

I'm going to try and do Nano this year too. At least my version of it, heh! Which means not as many words and stretched out into December. Happy Blitz!

Jeff Hargett said...

How about I just say "Howdy" then and pretend I don't have any insecurities? :) Good luck on your NaNo project!

Julia Phillips Smith said...

I'm not doing NaNo this year and I'm already sad about it. But I have to focus on revisions instead of new word count, so there you have it.

Happy Blitz Day!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Good luck with NaNo and happy Blitz day!

Sheena-kay Graham said...

I was going to bow out this year but I can't. Nano is in my bones. Best of luck with nano and your other projects Mark. Happy Blitz Day. See? Your day's looking even brighter.

Erin L. Funk said...

Good luck with your prep for NaNoWriMo! Happy Blitz Day! :)

Unknown said...

Wishing you all the best in getting that completed MS. Wishing you all the best with your writing.
Be blitzed be happy!

Jennifer Kay said...

Happy Blog Blitz! Really like the idea of a support group for writers. We're all secretly insecure.

Jeff Chapman said...

Good luck with NaNo! Happy Blitz Day!

Al Diaz said...

very good luck with you preparations and with Nano! Happy Blitz Day!

Anna Tan said...

Happy Nano-ing and happy blitz day!

Teacher-Mom said...

Happy Blitz Day! NaNo away!

Unknown said...

Wohoo, get your NaNo On! Happy blitz day!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blitz Day! Hope it was fun.

L.G. Keltner said...

I'm stopping by later than planned (life does that sometimes), but I still wanted to wish you a Happy Blitz Day!

SK Anthony said...

Best of luck with NaNo!!!!
And happy Blitz Day :)

Heather Musk said...

Ooh I so want to do NaNo this year, I've never succeeded at it before.
I have a story in mind so why not? Good luck with yours!

Happy Belated Blitz Day!!!

Sherry Ellis said...

Happy Blitz Day! Hope you enjoy it!

Theresa Milstein said...

I think IWSG is a great group. Happy Blitz Day! :)

Deniz Bevan said...

Happy belated blog blitz! And good luck with NaNo. I'm looking forward to it!

Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

sorry it's a little late, but hope you enjoyed the blitz and all the attention :)

sjp said...

Is it the one year anniversary already? And of course IWSG is as ninja like as its creator :P Good luck for NaNo!

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